14 December 2021
Business, like Kingsford, has been blossoming, thanks largely to word-of-mouth recommendations for Angelique’s generous bouquets and stunning box, vase and basket arrangements, not to mention orders for weddings and events.
“My poor husband doesn’t have a shed any more, but I do now have my own floristry business,” she laughs.
Starting her home-based enterprise has been an opportunity for the former jeans store manager to balance work with being a mum to nine-year-old Elizabeth and four-year-old Harrison, both already budding little flower arrangers.
“Bullsbrook is a great place to bring up kids,” Angelique says. “It still has that sense of being a country town where everyone knows each other. There’s a real sense of community.”
The family’s move to neighbouring Muchea in January 2022 puts them even closer to Bullsbrook’s town centre.
“Bullsbrook also has all the features you need for a family. We’re often at the new nature playground at Kingsford and it’s not a hassle to get into the city or out to the beach,” Angelique says.
As well as making early morning trips to the wholesalers in Leederville, Angelique works with Muchea Tree Farm and Yelverton Protea Farm. Home-based Bullsbrook business Just Candles is another local supplier.
“Support local, buy local; that’s important to me,” says Angelique, who moved to Bullsbrook with husband Ron 13 years ago. The couple were married on their eight-acre property.